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Rats not getting caught in traps

steven light • Jun 12, 2020

Trap & Bait shy

shy rat
With any pest control jobs, we undertake we have to understand what is going on as the behaviour of rodents like rats differ from each job and getting control means knowing what is going on. Rats have the ability to learn quite fast and they can become trap and bait shy and give the pest technicians on site a real headache.

OK, let’s get on with the strategy how do we know what is happening if the traps are empty and rodenticide is not touched but clients are still saying they can hear noises in let us say a loft space. Well, we place down cameras so we can get a video of the rat's movements, this may give us clues to which direction the rodent is coming from, is it going near the traps or bait then shying away from them. 

This video evidence can give us some clues like is the rat using the same run if so we can put a trap there and lure it with something new or cover the trap as to hide it more with no lure on it. Monitoring what is going on is a vital key to success in rodent control. The video below shows a rat taking no interest in what's on the trap at all
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