Having problems with bees?
Bees don’t cause any problems unless they are in your home, as the honey can damage your property over time. You are not in danger of being stung if they are left alone and unprovoked.
Therefore, if at all possible, always leave a bee nest alone to thrive, as their presence is actually beneficial for gardeners and their crops.
Additional Information
If a nest is outside or underground, then there shouldn’t be a reason it can’t be moved. In more conventional and accessible places such as bushes, trees, and sheds, contacting a local beekeeper or pest controller to relocate the nest is an option. If you suspect you have honey bees and they are causing you problems, then we would recommend coming out and collecting the bee swarm.
Last Resort Eradication – The decision to treat will depend on if it is possible to close the entrance(s) to the nest after treatment. In this circumstance, make sure you use a trained professional.
We strongly recommend you contact us at Shire Pest Solutions, as we are fully trained professionals and have the technical knowledge and access to a range of professional-use insecticides.
For solitary/masonry bees, in the long term, re-pointing with sound mortar is the only answer. However, this must be done thoroughly as bees hunting for a nest site will soon locate areas that have been missed.
For honey bees, it is essential that entrance points are blocked off, and if possible, remove all the honeycomb.
Failure to do this will cause robber bees to find the infected honey and take it back to their hive, thus contaminating it.
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