
Having problems with moles?

When moles suddenly appear it may be due to the weather, the condition of lawn, or in some cases access from a neighbours garden as they have not got a mole trapper in . There could be consistent food source in the garden from worms. This is why a initial Environmental Risk Assessment will take place and any relevant factors recorded:

  • Access.
  • Level of infestation
  • How widespread is the infestation  

Once we are sure environmental factors have been check and no wildlife will be harmed we will place down traps cover all the mole runs in relevant locations throughout the garden/field as to manage the infestation safety.

Additional Information

If moles make their way into your garden or golf course, they can cause a lot of frustration and chaos. These creatures can dig as much as 4 metres per hour, quickly forming an intricate network of tunnels leading back to their den. Moles prefer to live in dry, dark underground spaces, but they search for food in areas where the soil is moist and rich in worms and grubs. This activity disrupts the surface, resulting in unsightly mounds of soil scattered across the landscape.

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4 Compton Close, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 7HD

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