Glis Glis

Glis Glis

Having problems with glis glis?

The Glis Glis are active for six months and hibernate from roughly October to May, depending on local climatic conditions. They are mostly active in the summer and are active on an average of 202 min in a 24-hour day, mostly at night. They prepare a den in soft soil or hidden in a cave, and rely on fat reserves to survive through the winter. During hibernation, metabolic rate and body temperature fall dramatically, and the animal may cease breathing altogether for periods of up to an hour. In years with low food availability edible dormice can hibernate longer than 11 months.

Additional Information

The Edible doormouse was accidentally introduced to the town of Tring in England through an escape from Lionel Walter Rothschild’s private collection in 1902. As a result, the British edible dormouse population is now believed to be well over 10,000 strong. They believe the population is concentrated in a 200-square-mile triangle between Beaconsfield, Aylesbury and Luton – an area known as the Chilterns. But this is outdated, the picture above was an Edible doormouse caught in the Woodcote area on the Berkshire / Oxfordshire border by shire pest solutions, and they have also been caught in Watlington, Benson, Whitchurch, Pangbourne, & Sonning Common.

If you suspect an edible dormouse infestation in your loft, look for key signs. Common indicators include droppings, a strong urine smell, and visible urine stains. You may also find gnawed wood, metal, plastic, and electrical cables, which pose a serious fire risk. Scratching noises, movement in the loft or wall cavities at night, and signs of nests further confirm their presence. These rodents can also damage young trees and bark.

Before treatment begins, take a few important steps. Leave droppings and damage untouched for the technician to inspect. Avoid blocking entry holes yourself. Keep a record of where you spot Glis Glis and check if neighbours have noticed any activity. Once the infestation is removed, seal all access points to prevent them from returning. This should only happen after complete eradication.

Our treatment process includes three visits, using traps that require daily checks. Severe infestations may need additional visits.

After removing the infestation, take steps to prevent future issues. Glis Glis are territorial, so blocking all entry points is essential. This involves identifying and sealing potential access points from the outside. Although time-consuming, this approach provides a long-term, cost-effective solution.

If droppings and urine have contaminated the loft insulation, use a biocidal spray for minor cases. For severe contamination, replace the insulation entirely. This process includes safe disposal of the old material, vacuuming the loft space, and installing new insulation, ensuring your home stays clean and protected.


Anyone unfortunate enough to encounter Glis Glis in their home will likely have endured sleepless nights. These pests could be described as the teenagers of the rodent world—sleeping all day, making noise all night, and proving difficult and costly to remove once they’ve settled in.

Like other rodents, Glis Glis are capable of spreading diseases that can be harmful to humans. Their urine, droppings, and saliva can contaminate food preparation areas, posing a risk of bacterial infections. They can also introduce parasites into homes, which can further spread disease.

Some of the key health risks associated with Glis Glis include:

  • Leptospirosis – This bacterial infection is transmitted through rodent urine and can cause flu-like symptoms, kidney damage, or liver failure in severe cases.
  • Salmonella – If Glis Glis contaminate food or kitchen surfaces, they can spread this bacteria, leading to food poisoning, diarrhoea, and stomach cramps.
  • Parasites – These rodents can carry fleas, mites, and ticks, which may spread additional illnesses such as Lyme disease and typhus.

Beyond direct disease risks, Glis Glis are also notorious for gnawing on electrical wiring, increasing fire hazards, and even drowning in water tanks, leading to contamination that requires extensive cleaning and disinfection.

Despite their name, ‘Edible Dormice,’ Glis Glis are not related to dormice and are not a protected species. In fact, they are classed as a Destructive Introduced Species, and it is an offence to release them into the wild once captured.

Due to their ability to climb structures and squeeze through small openings—often at roof level—Glis Glis infestations can be extremely challenging to manage. Professional pest control services are essential to safely remove them and prevent further health risks.

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