

Having problems with rats?

Rats are close by If there is a food source nearby, then the Environmental Risk Assessment will look at ways to reduce or eliminate the food source. This could mean fixing the broken drain, removing the bird feeder, or cleaning up the garden.

  • Access.
  • The level of infestation.
  • How widespread is the infestation?
  • Wildlife (Prey Animals/birds). 

Once the technician has established the possible causes, the location of the entry points and is the infestation inside, outside or both then we can make the appropriate recommendations on whether to use rodent traps or professional rodenticides.

Additional Information

There are three main application methods used to control rats and mice with rodenticide baits. These are:

  •  Loose baiting: loose bait made inaccessible to non-target species either by using it in secure premises or, elsewhere, by placing it under tiles, in pipes or using naturally occurring materials etc. 
  • Use of bait stations: bait applied in purpose-built bait stations is the most commonly used method by professional pest controllers but is not one that is compulsory in all circumstances. 
  • Hole or burrow baiting: loose bait applied directly into holes or burrows.

Ratwall is a cost effective and robust stainless steel Rat Blocker that is ideal for installation into underground drains. Ratwall can be installed by hand or from street level and has a unique low force fit. Ratwall is suitable for plastic, clay and cast iron drains. Ratwall has a unique external hinge allowing maximum waste flow. The external hinge block ensures that the unit cannot become dislodged and lost into the sewer pipe.

This visit may take place depending on levels of activity, sightings, whether traps or bait have been used. In most instances, after 7-14 days you should notice a significant decline in activity and sightings. Your Pest Technician will decide on whether he needs to continue with more follow-up visits until the problem has been sorted. We will try to determine potential entry points and do these pose any future risk of access or infestation. If entry points need to be blocked there may be a charge for the materials used(i.e Drain blockers).

Leptospirosis is spread through rat or animal fluids, and can enter the human body through small cuts in the skin or through the eyes, nose and mouth.

Symptoms include fever, nausea, muscle aches, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

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4 Compton Close, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 7HD

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