Having problems with cockroaches
Cockroaches are distinguished by their very long whip-like antennae, flat oval bodies and rapid, jerky walk. The adult German Cockroach is a light yellowy/brown and is 10 to 15mm long. The Oriental Cockroach is dark brown/black and is 20 to 24mm long. Immature stages of Cockroach, look exactly like adults, just on a smaller scale.
Additional Information
The German Cockroach carries its egg case, until the 30 or more nymphs are ready to hatch. The Oriental Cockroach deposits its 13mm long egg capsule on packaging, sacking or in suitable dark crevices, before the 16 to 18 nymphs hatch around 12 weeks later. They grow in stages, from nymphs to maturity in 6 to 12 months for the Oriental Cockroach, and 6 to 12 weeks for the German Cockroach.
Keep areas clean and tidy – Clean all surfaces thoroughly to remove any food residue. Try and not leave dirty dishes and utensils in the sink. Keep bins covered, clean, and emptied regularly. Areas such as top or beneath your refrigerator are warm and food collect their, attracting Cockroaches, so clean these areas regularly.
Control of cockroaches is seldom easy because of the difficulty of getting the insecticide to the insect. The insecticide, ideally, should have sufficient persistence to kill the nymphs hatching later from un-hatched egg capsules.For your Cockroach infestation, give us a call. We are trained in cockroach control and will have access to a range of professional use insecticides which are not available to the public.
Cockroaches are known to spread a range of diseases, including salmonella, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and even the polio virus. As scavengers, cockroaches can feed on anything from food spills to faecal matter, ingesting bacteria that can survive for months in their digestive system. They spread these pathogens through their droppings and by contaminating food with vomit and feces. This is how disease can be transmitted to humans through contaminated food.
Common Hiding Spots:
Cockroaches prefer warm, humid environments, making kitchens and food preparation areas prime locations for infestation. They are commonly found in:
- Cracks in walls
- Hidden spaces behind refrigerators and in pantries
- Underneath furniture or stacks of paper and cardboard
- Kitchen cupboards, sinks, and drains
- Around water heaters and in grease traps
Managing Cockroach Infestations:
To prevent or eliminate a cockroach infestation, follow these key steps:
- Clean your home thoroughly, especially the kitchen.
- Regularly empty trash bins and clean food spills.
- Repair cracks and gaps in walls and around plumbing.
- Seal food in airtight containers.
- Use cockroach baits and physical traps, and consider professional pest control if needed.
By maintaining a clean environment and addressing food and water sources, you can reduce the risk of a cockroach infestation and its associated health risks.
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